Good news: it is now surprisingly easy to find high-quality, affordable natural supplements.
My current home (Japan) is a great place for “healthy Asian stuff.” While things like green tea, seaweed, healthy soy, probiotics, macrobiotics, omega 3-rich foods, etc. have only really caught on in the West in recent years, they are just part of the traditional diet here. Likewise, this is a good place to be if you’re interested in Chinese medicine or its Japanese equivalent, kampo.
Unfortunately it’s less user friendly if you’re trying to find Western-style supplements. Pharmacies usually carry a basic range but the quality can be uncertain and the prices definitely exorbitant. Good luck locating something like an effective Echinacea supplement for the Winter or even just shampoo without all the additives.
So you can imagine my joy at finding iHerb.com (discount code below) a few years back. At first I was a little hesitant about ordering health products on-line but iHerb has been completely reliable for me. The one time they fumbled my order was during a software upgrade. But by way of apology I received a gift voucher, so that actually worked out pretty well.
What does iHerb offer?
Pricewise, iHerb seems to be slightly below other sites (including the original producer) but in any case, after a couple of orders I was bumped up to VIP status with extra discounts. They also offer various specials, trials and freebies. The thing I really like about iHerb though is the rapid, low/ no-cost delivery. Even in Japan my orders usually arrive from sunny California within four days!
This is probably starting to read like I’m a supplement freak but these days I actually use very few. My orders mostly contain personal care items, teas, protein powder and other food products and even household cleaners. Apparently iHerb stocks over 30,000 products, including premium brands, so it’s worth running a search of the site.
If you would like to check out iHerb, this discount code will give you up to $10 off your order: HUT039. Clicking this link should set up the discount automatically but please check the bottom of the order form before purchasing. If you don’t see HUT039, just type it in manually.
Regardless of whether you use the discount, take a look at iHerb. Just writing this I found a couple of new teas that will probably end up in my next order. Even if I could find many of the products here, it’s cheaper, easier and faster just to order on-line.
Other details and resources
iHerb home page, iHerb Freebies page, iHerb specials page and iHerb trials page
Up to $10 off your order with this discount code: HUT039Full disclosure here: if you use my customer code, I also receive some credit toward my next order. (Thanks! :-)) Seems like a fair trade to me, particularly if this site has helped you in some way. After purchasing, you will also receive your own customer code to share.
Thanks mate. I’m in Hokkaido. You think its tough to get stuff where you are, theres nothing here. Really missing my fish oil!
Definitely check them out in that case. If you’re looking for omega sources, they also stock krill, sacha inchi and other oils.
Ok i know krill but not sacha inchi. I’ll take a look.